Santa Monica Bar Association - Logo
Santa Monica Bar Association - Making Waves Since 1928 High quality networking and educational events for the Southern California legal community
Mandatory Fee Arbitration Program
Mandatory Fee Arbitration Program The Santa Monica Bar Association is proud to participate in the State of California's Mandatory Fee Arbitration (MFA) Program. The MFA Program is an informal, low cost program for resolving fee disputes between people and their lawyers. Our program provides both arbitration services and mediation services for all parties. Read more.

Lawyers in our bar association in Santa Monica

The Santa Monica Bar Association is pleased to offer our successful Lawyer Referral and Information Service (“LRIS”) to the community of Santa Monica and surrounding areas. The LRIS program is a California State certified program (certificate # 0066) and meets the American Bar Association standards.

Call us at 310-581-5163 or email us at to learn more.

How does our lawyer referral program work?

When you call the LRIS, you will speak with a trained staff member who will match you with an appropriate lawyer for your legal issue. We charge a $25 administrative fee. If additional legal services are necessary, fees are arranged between you and the lawyer.

Do you need help selecting the best lawyer?

The LRIS of the Santa Monica Bar Association is a certified referral service. The lawyers we refer you to are all carefully screened to ensure you receive the best service. Whatever your legal needs may be, the LRIS will assist you in finding a qualified and licensed lawyer who can help.

Do you need a lawyer?

If you have been arrested or have other criminal offenses; have been injured in an accident; have landlord or tenant issues; have immigration, tax, securities or workplace problems; decided to make a will, need a trust or are dealing with probate; are starting a business; have an entertainment or administrative issue; have been sued or injured; are purchasing property or negotiating a contract; filed for divorce or need child custody help – you may need a lawyer. There are hundreds of reasons why people need lawyers, so, if you think you need help please get in touch with the SMBA right away. You can reach us by phone at 310-581-5163 or via email at


  • California State Bar Certified #0066
  • Meets ABA LRIS Standards
  • $25 Half-Hour Consultation

Are you an attorney who wants to join LRIS?

We have a variety of needs from calls relating to probate, family law, divorce, personal injury, auto accidents, property owner and tenant issues, immigration, tax or job discrimination, child custody, arrests and other criminal offenses, to name a few. The rigorous screening process conducted by our trained staff is of great benefit to our lawyers who participate in the program. If you are a lawyer and want to join the SMBA LRIS program download the LRIS Application.